Automate Jira Data Extraction and Excel Workbook Updates with Python

Codegen using OpenAPI

In this tutorial, we will go through a Python script that uses the Jira API to retrieve data and update an Excel spreadsheet. This script fetches Jira issues based on filter IDs and inserts them into different sheets in an Excel workbook. Additionally, it updates the timestamp in the workbook.


  1. Python
  2. Required Python packages: requests, openpyxl

Step 1: Setup

Before running the script, make sure you have Python installed, along with the required packages. You can install the packages using pip:

pip install requests openpyxl
pip install requests openpyxl

Step 2: Jira API Configuration

Replace the following placeholders in the script with your specific Jira API information:

  • JIRA_API_URL: The base URL for your Jira API.
  • API_KEY: Your Jira API key or token.
  • USER_NAME: Your Jira username.

Step 3: Define Functions


This function retrieves Jira issues based on the provided filter ID.

  • filter_id: The Jira filter ID to fetch data from.

insert_epics(ws, data)

Inserts data into the "Epics Raw" worksheet.

  • ws: The Excel worksheet to insert data into.
  • data: The Jira issues data for epics.

insert_stories(ws, data)

Inserts data into the "Stories Raw" and "Stories Raw (Active Sprint)" worksheets.

  • ws: The Excel worksheet to insert data into.
  • data: The Jira issues data for stories.

insert_bugs(ws, data)

Inserts data into the "Bugs Raw" worksheet.

  • ws: The Excel worksheet to insert data into.
  • data: The Jira issues data for bugs.


Updates the timestamp in the "Summary" worksheet.

  • wb: The Excel workbook to update.

write_to_excel(data, wb, worksheet_name, type)

Writes data to the specified Excel worksheet.

  • data: The Jira data to write to the worksheet.
  • wb: The Excel workbook.
  • worksheet_name: Name of the target worksheet.
  • type: Type of data (epics, stories, or bugs).

Step 4: Main Execution

The script's main execution is within the if __name__ == '__main__': block. This section fetches Jira data, writes it to the appropriate worksheet, and updates the timestamp in the Excel workbook.

Replace the filter IDs with the ones you want to use and ensure that the worksheet names correspond to your Excel workbook.

Step 5: Run the Script

Run the Python script to fetch Jira data and update the Excel workbook. Ensure that your Excel workbook is saved at the provided file_path.


This script will fetch data from Jira and update your Excel workbook with the relevant information in separate worksheets and update the timestamp.

Your Excel file will be updated with the latest Jira data as per your defined filters and worksheet names.

Complete Working Code

import datetime
import requests 
import openpyxl 
# Jira API URL and API Key 
API_KEY = '' 
# Function to retrieve Jira issues based on a filter ID 
def get_jira_data(filter_id): 
    # Set up HTTP basic authentication with your API token 
    auth = (f'{USER_NAME}', f'{API_KEY}') 
    url = f'{JIRA_API_URL}' + filter_id
    data = []
    startAt = 0
    maxResults = 100
    total = 1
    while startAt <=total:
        params = { 
                    'startAt': startAt,
                    'maxResults': maxResults
        response = requests.get(url, auth=auth, params=params)
        res_json = response.json()
        startAt += maxResults
        total = res_json['total']
    if response.status_code == 200: 
        return data
        print(f'Failed to fetch Jira data for filter ID {filter_id}') 
        return []
def insert_epics(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Project Name'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, project_name])
def insert_stories(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Story Point', 'Sprint', 'Parent Key', 'Parent', 'Project'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
            parent_key = issue['fields']['parent']['key']
            parent_key = ''
            parent_summary = issue['fields']['parent']['fields']['summary']
            parent_summary = ''
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, parent_key, parent_summary, project_name]) 
def insert_bugs(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Project'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
            priority = issue['fields']['priority']['name']
            priority = "None"
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, priority, project_name]) 
def update_timestamp(wb):
    ws = wb["Summary"]
    ws["H1"] =
def write_to_excel(data, wb, worksheet_name, type): 
    ws = wb[worksheet_name]
    match type:
        case "epics":
            insert_epics(ws, data)
        case "stories":
            insert_stories(ws, data)
        case "bugs":
            insert_bugs(ws, data)
    print(f'Data written to {worksheet_name}') 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    file_path = "excel-file-path"
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=file_path)
    # Report Epics
    filter_id = 'XXX' 
    worksheet_name = 'Epics Raw' 
    epics_data = get_jira_data(filter_id) 
    if epics_data: 
        write_to_excel(epics_data, wb, worksheet_name, "epics") 
    # Report Stories - All
    filter_id = 'XXX'
    worksheet_name = 'Stories Raw'
    stories_data = get_jira_data(filter_id)
    if stories_data: 
        write_to_excel(stories_data, wb, worksheet_name, "stories") 
    # Report Stores - Active
    filter_id = 'XXX'
    worksheet_name = 'Stories Raw (Active Sprint)'
    stories_data = get_jira_data(filter_id)
    if stories_data: 
        write_to_excel(stories_data, wb, worksheet_name, "stories") 
    # Report bugs  
    filter_id = 'XXX' 
    worksheet_name = 'Bugs Raw' 
    bugs_data = get_jira_data(filter_id) 
    if bugs_data: 
        write_to_excel(bugs_data, wb, worksheet_name, "bugs") 
import datetime
import requests 
import openpyxl 
# Jira API URL and API Key 
API_KEY = '' 
# Function to retrieve Jira issues based on a filter ID 
def get_jira_data(filter_id): 
    # Set up HTTP basic authentication with your API token 
    auth = (f'{USER_NAME}', f'{API_KEY}') 
    url = f'{JIRA_API_URL}' + filter_id
    data = []
    startAt = 0
    maxResults = 100
    total = 1
    while startAt <=total:
        params = { 
                    'startAt': startAt,
                    'maxResults': maxResults
        response = requests.get(url, auth=auth, params=params)
        res_json = response.json()
        startAt += maxResults
        total = res_json['total']
    if response.status_code == 200: 
        return data
        print(f'Failed to fetch Jira data for filter ID {filter_id}') 
        return []
def insert_epics(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Project Name'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, project_name])
def insert_stories(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Story Point', 'Sprint', 'Parent Key', 'Parent', 'Project'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
            parent_key = issue['fields']['parent']['key']
            parent_key = ''
            parent_summary = issue['fields']['parent']['fields']['summary']
            parent_summary = ''
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, parent_key, parent_summary, project_name]) 
def insert_bugs(ws, data):
    headers = ['Issue Key', 'Summary', 'Assignee', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Project'] 
    # Write data 
    for issue in data: 
        issue_key = issue['key'] 
        summary = issue['fields']['summary'] 
        assignee = issue['fields']['assignee']['displayName'] if issue['fields']['assignee'] else 'Unassigned' 
        status = issue['fields']['status']['name'] 
        project_name = issue['fields']['project']['name']
            priority = issue['fields']['priority']['name']
            priority = "None"
        ws.append([issue_key, summary, assignee, status, priority, project_name]) 
def update_timestamp(wb):
    ws = wb["Summary"]
    ws["H1"] =
def write_to_excel(data, wb, worksheet_name, type): 
    ws = wb[worksheet_name]
    match type:
        case "epics":
            insert_epics(ws, data)
        case "stories":
            insert_stories(ws, data)
        case "bugs":
            insert_bugs(ws, data)
    print(f'Data written to {worksheet_name}') 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    file_path = "excel-file-path"
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=file_path)
    # Report Epics
    filter_id = 'XXX' 
    worksheet_name = 'Epics Raw' 
    epics_data = get_jira_data(filter_id) 
    if epics_data: 
        write_to_excel(epics_data, wb, worksheet_name, "epics") 
    # Report Stories - All
    filter_id = 'XXX'
    worksheet_name = 'Stories Raw'
    stories_data = get_jira_data(filter_id)
    if stories_data: 
        write_to_excel(stories_data, wb, worksheet_name, "stories") 
    # Report Stores - Active
    filter_id = 'XXX'
    worksheet_name = 'Stories Raw (Active Sprint)'
    stories_data = get_jira_data(filter_id)
    if stories_data: 
        write_to_excel(stories_data, wb, worksheet_name, "stories") 
    # Report bugs  
    filter_id = 'XXX' 
    worksheet_name = 'Bugs Raw' 
    bugs_data = get_jira_data(filter_id) 
    if bugs_data: 
        write_to_excel(bugs_data, wb, worksheet_name, "bugs") 


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